Need assistance repairing an Enecsys SMI480-60 solar inverter – all about circuits

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I am trying to repair an Enecsys SMI 480-60 solar inverter.

I looked for a schematic on the internet for a long time and finally found a schematic on this forum that is very good.
This thread:

I inspected the device and found that there are no burned components, the fuse is good, and there are no short-circuited mosquitoes.

This inverter behaves as follows when it is connected to the 220 volts and the solar modules are connected:
– With a properly functioning inverter, the output of these panels is approximately 31 watts immediately before the conversion.
– everything on the enecsys inverter remains at 0 for approx. 2 minutes;
– After approx. 2 minutes my power meter shows 2 watts as yield (or decrease) and approx. 41 VA (apparent power).
– shortly afterwards everything goes back to 0 and it stays that way.

It looks like the DC circuit is fine and there is a bug somewhere that is shutting things down.

I hope someone can point me in a direction to track down and fix this bug?


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