POC mission carried out for ENEL Group to guage drone use for equipment transport – UASweekly.com – UASweekly.com

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A POC mission was carried out by FlyingBasket as part of a study carried out by the Enel Group through its Global Infrastructure and Networks division, the leading international operator of power distribution networks worldwide. ”The aim of the research is to evaluate sustainable alternatives at the process level of their energy installation projects. The POC was carried out with FB3, a remote-controlled high-performance electric multicopter in the mountainous regions of the province of Bolzano, during which flights with metal bars and other tools and equipment weighing between 80-100 kg over 1.5 km. were transported at a distance of 400 m from the starting point.

“For ENEL, the use of drones in various field operations in connection with power distribution networks is an important step towards a more efficient and sustainable network. Cooperations with innovative partners such as FlyingBasket show encouraging results in the efficiency of our network operations management not only from an economic point of view, but above all with regard to improved sustainable working conditions and greater environmental benefits, ”said Massimo Maffeis – Network Design, Engineering & Construction, Global Infrastructure & Networks.

About ENEL

Enel is a multinational energy company and a leading integrated player in the global electricity and renewable energy markets and a major gas operator in the retail market. It is the largest European energy supplier in terms of ordinary EBITDA and is present in over 30 countries worldwide and produces energy with an installed capacity of around 88 GW. Enel distributes electricity over a network of over 2.2 million kilometers and is the first network operator worldwide with more than 74 million end users1. Enel Green Power is the world's largest private provider in the renewable energy sector with around 49 GW of wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower plants installed in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Enel X, Enel's global line of advanced energy services, is the world's leading provider of demand response with a total global managed capacity of over 6 GW; The company has installed around 100 MW of storage capacity and around 195,000 EV charging points2 around the globe in the area of ​​electromobility.

About FlyingBasket

FlyingBasket is an Italian company based in the Dolomites that today develops, produces and operates cargo drones with a load capacity of up to 100 kg. The company focuses on the production of fully electric UAVs to reduce the impact of large fuel-based vehicles on the environment and to contribute to environmentally friendly aviation with its products. In the energy sector, moving building materials, inspecting power lines, and installing solar panels on high roofs with the FB3 can be efficient, inexpensive and safe.


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